Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dear Cut/Throat,

If I could keep her
alert for the swift
interrupted lisp
useless rhyme cluttered
mother’s bitter tongue
episodic heap
language an old house
now a lulling sift
uncorrected script
and you before night
answered other than
poetry uncut
artists continue
their defective re-
cord like the trusting
animals they are
as if beautiful
thing/to discover
this passage follows
a pessimist and
the great sex spiral
enclosing next to
yet we stand transfixed
hoping frailty
supreme and the way you
walk and the way you
watch the water’s edge
slowly arriving
that your futile might
hands clapped together
first foot stepping down
into the next verse
and sets a slow match
to a mouthful of
phrases old branches
brought down by the same
gesture used for dance!

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