Sunday, August 19, 2012


phone sex isn’t a long term solution
as we travel along this path of challenge and change
it is simply a belief in reach
a rubbing against the cut
a person in the room who never speaks
the poetic-critic
the nets
more slowly, losing altitude

Friday, August 17, 2012


appealing to the reader’s self-interest
I have scribbled the following notes on pages 14, 15, 16, 23, 26, and 29:
the last time we rubbed faces
someone turned the page and laughed
and yet, it didn’t seem to matter at all if they stayed or left
they didn’t exist anymore except as a warning
like a cat ignoring the traffic
an incinerated butterfly fathomed only as ash

Thursday, August 16, 2012


the war you only just heard about
for Allen Davies
bottomed out selling promises
in Los Alamos or something
rushed from the crucified city
to start again
climbing up the back of the legs to the silent crotch.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I turn now to the book’s methodology
when the fog hangs low
jostled as are the waters approaching
rewritten from the perspective
of the little old lady

one manifestation of what I call intermediation
gathering mist and letting it fall
and to concern myself less with the publishers of poetry
the very concepts of homogenous national cultures
there against the fierce blue of the sky

making, storing, and transmitting
in renitent release
the human situation that motivated my phone call and visit
of the asymmetrical worlds that exist
there in the home of the little old lady

however, in regard to the poems I left with you
I like to think there is overwhelming evidence
of the city that extends before us
complex transactions between bodies and texts
contrary to a sculpture in a museum