Saturday, September 14, 2013

This space is occupied only by bodies in motion.
The former is not unrelieved; a correct picture of the psychic norm, the history that I know did not allow my senses time to wake for others.  It is the essence of modernity, the yet unnamable glimmer behind your eyes, those seemingly abstract and arbitrary signs still igniting controversy. 
Define language and writing elsewhere.  Remain enigmatic. 
A few words next about translation, and then we enter the text. 

Body, rupture, loss, I must, surging with cadence, experience time and distance I wrote my name in red ink the various ethical systems shudder to contain.  I have followed you as far as I can, the planets closed to your bray blazon I’m going to find out what love is.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Whether it’s explicit or purely embodies
Why not admit that my dissatisfaction reveals an excessive ambition
a tiny spasmodic thrill that is the end and the beginning of jouissance
one tells of her insomnia, another of her migraines, and others of her nervous rash and her nervous tic
all born with a taste for pleasure
a kind of clawing and biting to clear a path
through the irritated swelling of pulled hair
to silently take up residence in our bodies and minds:
the province of the animate
follow their course euphoric
at the first seminal drop
Almost every day, you tell me, you are forced to run in sudden panic
before launching into narrative
an affirmative outburst that immediately fades
burning the back of your hollow throat and irradiating the barren combustion of thought
in continuous conflict with your head, skin, bladder and bowels
It is tempting to assume that the images of rampaging felt an undeniable relief
in ceasing to be beautiful
pulsing and shimmering like an animated painting
of a bleeding, literally headless body of its queen